Sunday, 27 December 2009


Have been too busy enjoying the last few days to write so here is a catch up of our Christmas....

CHRISTMAS EVE...Little man went to nursery for the morning, which gave me a chance to blitz house with duster and hoover etc. Picked him up at lunchtime to discover he'd had a fab time as usual there, they went for a walk to the farm shop and bought chocolate biscuits. In the afternoon little man and I went to the children's crib service at church which was packed out. Put the choc biscuits we'd made for Father Christmas out in Little man's bedroom, and he went to sleep like a light, I didn't, think I was more excited.

CHRISTMAS DAY...Little man woke up at 6.30 needing the toilet, then wanted to watch tv in mummy & daddy's room. He had totally forgotten it was Christmas, even when I asked if he wanted to check something in his room he didn't click! Once he'd seen father christmas had been he was very excited about that but still didn't realise that might equal pressies! Had to turn him around for him to notice his stocking - very excited! Happily stayed in our room until 8.30 with stocking things, he thought that was christmas done and dusted then! All got dressed then went downstairs, very very very excited when he saw the pressies, couldn't believe his eyes!

Set off for mum in laws about midday, not bad timing at all considering all the pressies, excitement and making sure we had everything we needed for staying there over night. Hats off to the chef who cooked a very delicious christmas dinner for 15 people! Little man abit unsure whether his pressies there, were for him to take home to keep or not! Once little man had gone to bed and other little ones had gone home those of us left for the night played our infamous family's 'train game' - I came last.

BOXING DAY...First thing little man asked me was if he could take the new toys at Mama's house home to keep! Had lovely cooked breakfast then set off to get back in time for mum & dad arriving later that day. Did a big buffet tea, which seemed to go down very well. Played 'train game' again in the evening, Dad won, Mum came last.

SUNDAY...Took the opportunity to go to church today as plenty of peeps around for little man. Have managed 3 trips during advent & christmas due to all the snow cancelling hubbie's football. Planned to drive over to Acle for a walk, had to stop off at Sainsburys on route to buy little man a new warm coat as left his warmest and mine at mum in law's! Didn't walk for very long as very cold and took Little man's advice and granted his request to go to the pub (like father like son!) Little man then decided we shouldn't tell Daddy (who had stayed at home) we went to pub and that it should be a secret, as I'm writing this it still is a secret! Will find out if he ever reads this now :). Had scrummy cold turkey and pickle type tea tonight and played train game again this evening! Hubbie won, Mum came last, I came second but did build the longest train :)

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