Thursday, 28 January 2010

Hubbie's birthday!

Little man had a lie in today so what happened - we get a phone call at 7.20 from DFS to say our sofa was coming in half hr typical - all systems go as we still had the old chairs sitting there!

Rushed back from work tonight to prepare one of our 'table teas' in honour of hubbie's birthday. Had a debate with little man who loves these types of teas and who insisted the food stayed where it was for him to carry on with it in the morning. He did not agree with Mummy when it was suggested we put it away to keep it nice and to save it from the cats eating it while we were asleep, by bedtime I was winning but he was still trying to negotiate that the 'crispies' remained left out (this is indeed the only bit of the food he ate but as he had already had a tea at nursery I think we can overlook that). Was surprised he didn't ask for some of Daddy's Star Wars cake though.

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